Terminal Hacks - Set Screenshot's Default File Name
The macOS Screenshot application saves screenshots using a predefined naming convention [Screenshot YYYY-MM-DD at HH.MM.SS]. This LectroHack will show you how you customise this with your own text.

Change Default File Name
Open Terminal: Finder > Applications > Utilities
In Terminal, type or paste the following whereby the name that a screenshot will be allocated is enclosed in the double quotes ""…
defaults write com.apple.screencapture name "Capture"
New screenshots will now adopt this new naming scheme. It will still include the date and time at the end to help distinguish between captures.
Revert Back to the Default File Name
Open Terminal: Finder > Applications > Utilities
In Terminal, type or paste the following…
defaults delete com.apple.screencapture name; killall SystemUIServer
Originally posted 15 January, 2025.